Position Areas
Business Education
Videoboard Operator
In preparation for events:
- Get all advertisements created and ready to play. This includes both the static logos and video commercials.
- Be sure all visitor logos are saved to the media Content drive
- Create any new Buttons required for any Actions that need to be displayed
- Remove any Buttons for Actions that are no longer needed
- Periodically check to see if any new advertisers have been secured
- Keep both Show Control computers updated (Windows updates, etc.)
- Contact Daktronics Support for issues that arise
Before events: (1 hr. before start time)
- Turn on Videoboard equipment per detailed instructions
- Open the Show Control program
- Turn on scoreboard and start timer countdown
- Insert guest logo into both full scoreboard and score strip
- Turn on Sound System and make sure microphone batteries are charged
- Make any last-minute changes to any Action Buttons on the Show Control Computer
- Display static advertisement logos per Advertiser’s Package agreement
- Play video commercials per Advertiser’s Package agreement
During events:
- Control videoboard layout based on situations during the event/game
- Display static advertisement logos per Advertiser’s Package agreement
- Play video commercials per Advertiser’s Package agreement
- Be aware and ready for all evening planned events, performances, etc. and have any digital media ready to be played for those
After events:
- Play advertisements required per the Advertiser’s Package agreement
- Play any other contents requested/approved prior to the event
- Shutdown all Videoboard equipment per detailed instructions
- Shutdown Sound System and return all microphones to cabinet
- Secure Press box, make sure windows are closed and locked, doors are locked
Additional Duties:
- Report any technical issues to the Director of District Technology
- Report any mechanical issues with Videoboard to Maintenance Director
- Perform any other duties as assigned by Superintendent/Athletic Director