Spring Videoboard Operator

Job | Posted 3 months ago
Position Areas
Business Education


Videoboard Operator


In preparation for events:

  1. Get all advertisements created and ready to play. This includes both the static logos and video commercials.
  2. Be sure all visitor logos are saved to the media Content drive
  3. Create any new Buttons required for any Actions that need to be displayed
  4. Remove any Buttons for Actions that are no longer needed
  5. Periodically check to see if any new advertisers have been secured
  6. Keep both Show Control computers updated (Windows updates, etc.)
  7. Contact Daktronics Support for issues that arise

Before events: (1 hr. before start time)

  1. Turn on Videoboard equipment per detailed instructions
  2. Open the Show Control program
  3. Turn on scoreboard and start timer countdown
  4. Insert guest logo into both full scoreboard and score strip
  5. Turn on Sound System and make sure microphone batteries are charged
  6. Make any last-minute changes to any Action Buttons on the Show Control Computer
  7. Display static advertisement logos per Advertiser’s Package agreement
  8. Play video commercials per Advertiser’s Package agreement

During events:

  1. Control videoboard layout based on situations during the event/game
  2. Display static advertisement logos per Advertiser’s Package agreement
  3. Play video commercials per Advertiser’s Package agreement
  4. Be aware and ready for all evening planned events, performances, etc. and have any digital media ready to be played for those

After events:

  1. Play advertisements required per the Advertiser’s Package agreement
  2. Play any other contents requested/approved prior to the event
  3. Shutdown all Videoboard equipment per detailed instructions
  4. Shutdown Sound System and return all microphones to cabinet
  5. Secure Press box, make sure windows are closed and locked, doors are locked

Additional Duties:

  1. Report any technical issues to the Director of District Technology
  2. Report any mechanical issues with Videoboard to Maintenance Director
  3. Perform any other duties as assigned by Superintendent/Athletic Director
Please contact Brian Carman, High School AD, with questions.  bcarman@northmacschools.org

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North Mac Schools

231 W Fortune St , Virden, IL 62690

At the following locations

North Mac High School

231 W Fortune St , Virden, IL 62690