2025 - 2026 Intermediate/Middle School Assistant Principal

Job | Posted a day ago
Position Areas
Public School


  1. Experience as a teacher preferred
  2. Valid administrative certificate
Responsible to: Principal
Contract Year: Subject to contract
Salary:               Subject to Administrative salary agreement
The basic function of this position:
  1. Assist with the supervision, coordination, evaluation, and administration of the school program
  2. All other duties as assigned

Major Responsibilities:

  1. Staff supervision and evaluation
  2. Curriculum
  3. Daily operation of building
  4. Discipline
  5. Attendance
  6. Athletics and school activities
  7. Special education program
  8. Student services/welfare
  9. Scheduling
  10. Community and public relations
  11. Student Organizations

Major Responsibility 1: Staff Supervision and Evaluation
Key Duties:

  1. Work directly with the staff
  2. Assist with staff evaluation under the guidance of the Principal

Major Responsibility 2: Curriculum
Key Duties

  1. Evaluate and make recommendations for the improvement of the curriculum
  2. Provide leadership for the staff in curriculum changes and/or adoption of new teaching techniques and materials
  3. Attend any RTI meetings

Major Responsibility 3: Daily Operation of Building
Key Duties:
  1. Assist Principal, as required
  2. Be in charge of building during absence of Principal
  3. Be responsible for condition of the building and the comfort and safety of staff and students.
Major Responsibility 4: Discipline
Key Duties:
  1. Handle student discipline as needed
  2. Maintain student discipline records
  3. Make recommendations for change and additions to the student handbook
  4. Coordinate where possible, discipline problem solution with teachers
  5. Meet with students and parents on discipline problems
  6. Contact and use law enforcement resources when the safety and/or welfare of the students, teachers, and/or other school employees are threatened
Major Responsibility 5: Attendance
Key Duties:
  1. Make daily check on absenteeism
  2. Make contact with truant officer when necessary
  3. Hold parent conferences
  4. Assist in correcting cases of truancy
Major Responsibility 6: Athletic and School Activities
Key Duties:
  1. Assist the principal in the supervision and coordination· of all sports
  2. Represent school at other school functions as needed
  3. Maintain records of weekly eligibility of students
  4. Notify coaches of ineligible students
Major Responsibility 7: Special Education Program
Key Duties:
  1. Assist in coordination of special education program
  2. Attend staffing as needed
Major Responsibility 8: Student Services/Welfare
Key Duties:
  1. Supervise students in lunch program
  2. Attend to medical problems as needed
  3. Maintain student records
  4. Act on behalf of the administration and/or Board of Education in legal matters concerning students

Major Responsibility 9: Scheduling
Key Duties:

  1. Assume the duty of developing the master schedule with the guidance counselor
  2. Substitute in classes when necessary on period basis
Major Responsibility 10: Community and Public Relations
Key Duties:
  1. Make parent contact and hold conferences
  2. Keep informed of community activities
  3. Serve as liaison between school and community

Major Responsibility 11: Student Organizations
Key Duties:

  1. Help establish clear and well defined polices governing each club and organization
  2. Provide supervision at club sponsored activities

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North Mac Schools

231 W Fortune St , Virden, IL 62690

At the following locations

North Mac Intermediate

525 N 3rd St , Girard, IL 62640