Newington School District
Newington School District
Newington, Connecticut is a suburban community of about 30,000 residents located just south of the capital city of Hartford. Seven Newington schools proudly serve approximately 4,200 students in full-day kindergarten through twelfth grade. Newington Public Schools serves the community and their students with seven schools including four elementary, two middle, and one high school. The culture of excellence throughout the Newington Public Schools can be attributed to long-standing community support and high expectations for its schools. Our success begins with a student-centered mission and a shared vision for the success of every child. Our actions are guided by research and measured regularly through strategic systems and processes for continuous improvement.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Newington Public Schools, an educational partnership of school, family, and community, is to ensure every student acquires the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to continue to learn, live a productive life, and contribute to a diverse, rapidly changing society. This is accomplished within a caring environment through a planned program of quality learning experiences that challenge and encourage each individual to reach full potential.
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
The Newington Board of Education affirms a continuing policy of equal employment and promotional opportunities regardless of age, sex, race, color, religion, marital status, sexual preference, national origin, or disability. (Policy #2111)