Charleston County School District
Occupational Therapist
This is a generic job posting and not for a school specific position. The intent of this posting is to allow candidates to submit their application as a way of indicating that they are interested in an OT position for the 22-23 school year. This will allow Human Resources to contact candidates about recruiting opportunities. As school specific jobs are identified, applicants will need to apply for each position that they are interested in pursuing. Only by applying for school specific position will a principal or hiring manager be able to view the candidate's application and related documents.
Teachers will need to secure a South Carolina teaching credential in the appropriate content area in order to be appropriately certified for the position that they are hired to fill. Teachers are paid for the educational level and work experience level identified on the South Carolina teaching credential.
In completing the application process in Frontline, candidates should apply to the POOL(s) in their content area(s), as well as, apply for any specific job postings of interest.